Vocational Skills

Vocational Skills

By concentrating on specific vocational skills, students are empowered to join the workforce. These skills encompass merchandising, masonry, and agricultural farming. Industry professionals are employed to guide and educate our students, preparing them for future employment. Through this programme, we have successfully launched our very own mini-mart, offering produce and goods crafted by our students. If you are interested in our Vocational Skills Programme, we encourage you to visit our Mini Mart page and perhaps consider obtaining a membership card to support our students.

Our Agricultural Education

Our students are guided by experienced teacher-farmers to learn a range of agricultural skills. Our teachers use a range of inclusive methods which are specific to the student’s individual learning style and level.

Lifelong is presently a member of the FEED programme. Our agriculture team has ably produced crops of beets, cucumbers, cassava, squash, pumpkins, herbs, sweet and hot peppers and green peas for our healthy grocery bags for the last six months. 

Our agricultural products will soon be available to purchase through our Marketplace.

Student Writing Merchandising


Our merchandising students are equally a part of our vision for the Marketplace. Through teaching classes around taxes, handling money and how businesses make profit, our students are made ready for employment.

If you are interested in meeting our merchandising students, they will be working the register at our new Marketplace.

Ready to join? Sign your family member up for Lifelong today!

A number of our initiatives would benefit from financial and voluntary help. We welcome and thank all that are able to contribute to our mission in uplifting and creating lifelong solutions to special-needs students and families. 
