Lifelong Life Skills

Our Life Skills Programme teaches students to become an active part in their household, from cooking, cleaning, handling and understanding money to other important skills. Through encouraging and nurturing independence, our teachers work to tailor class content to each student and their individual interests and skill-level. Our Life Skills Programme empowers students to support themselves through acquiring independent skills.

Parents as Teachers

Our Life Skills Programme relies on multiple parents to guide and lead classes. We employ our students’ parents as they exhibit a number of skills from their experience in the workforce, in addition to understanding the varied educational styles that our students need in the classroom.

If you are interested in seeing all of our parent teachers, visit out staff directory to see all who work at the centre.

Building Marketplace
LifeSkills-Darren Merchandising


Our Merchandising Students are equally a part of our vision for the mini-mart. Through teaching classes around taxes, handling money and how businesses make profit, our students are made ready for employment.

If you are interested in meeting our Merchandising students, they will be working the register at our new Lifelong Marketplace.

Ready to join? Sign your family member up for Lifelong today!

A number of our initiatives would benefit from financial and voluntary help. We welcome and thank all that are able to contribute to our mission in uplifting and creating lifelong solutions to special-needs students and families. 
