Creative Skills

In our Creative Skills programme at Lifelong, we immerse our 27 talented students in the diverse world of design. From mastering colour coordination to nurturing individual artistic expression, we provide a supportive space for each student to thrive. Beyond being a class, it’s a collaborative effort that flourishes with community backing. As we grow, we encourage hands-on involvement from those who share our passion. Whether through volunteering, donations, or sharing resources, we’re building a creative haven where everyone can unleash their artistic potential, regardless of their abilities.

Meet Nicholas Grimes

Nicholas is at the centre of what we do in our Creative Skills Programme here at Lifelong. With a history in creative arts, graphic design and UX, Nicholas works with students to understand their individual skill-sets and interests to help their artistic talent flourish.

“They have their own challenges, and they also [have] their own strengths and ways of doing things. I try to draw [on] a lot of those abilities, like learning the things that they like to do. Sometimes, it’s just like learning how to see things [for] them [in] a certain way in order for them to reproduce or create something based on the emotion, or just laughing with them.”


Student Art

Ready to join? Sign your family member up for Lifelong today!

A number of our initiatives would benefit from financial and voluntary help. We welcome and thank all that are able to contribute to our mission in uplifting and creating lifelong solutions to special-needs students and families. 
